Who we are

As a result of the union between the classic and the modern, of experience and irreverence, the law firm Mesquita e Zômpero stands out in providing a quick, effective and responsible solution to the disputes and challenges that are presented to it.

With operations for over 30 years, mainly in the areas of Civil law, Business and Tax Law, the firm is composed of trained professionals ready to provide personalized service to their clients, always aiming to maximize results and complete legal solutions.

Headquartered in the city of Londrina/PR, it also has partner offices in the cities of Curitiba/PR and Brasília/DF to support demands in all the Brazilian Courts, keeping a network of contacts with professionals from the most varied areas of activity, increasing and enhancing the performance of the professionals compose the office team.

Areas of expertise

Compliance and Data Protection

This area is dedicated to implementing legal compliance systems through the drafting of statutes, internal regulations, codes of ethics and also drafting opinions and advice to adapt companies to environmental, tax, labor, criminal, etc. standards.

It also covers companies' compliance with the General Data Protection Law through the elaboration of privacy policies, legal mechanisms for adapting to information security and legal advice.

Administrative Law

Particulation and monitoring of bids and drafting of contracts with the Public Power, preventive and contentious action in municipal, state and federal public tenders, filing of declaratory actions and writ of mandamus as well as performance in actions of administrative impropriety.

Banking Law

Expertise in advising on drafting contracts (credit notes, rural contracts, foreign exchange, etc.), negotiating with financial institutions and other entities in the banking sector and also working in judicial and extrajudicial litigation.

Civil Law

Acting in civil liability processes, drafting contracts for the purchase and sale of movable and immovable property, lending, mutual, rendering of services, endeavor, brokerage, commercial representation, transactions, supply of goods, etc. The firm acts in the defense of companies in administrative (PROCON) and judicial courts.

This area also includes provision of succession planning services, conducting judicial and extrajudicial inventories and credit recovery through extrajudicial and judicial action.

Business Law

Consultancy and assistance in the creation, spin-off, succession, merger, liquidation and transfer of companies, national and international, with a focus on the European and American continent, drafting of bylaws, minutes of meetings and other relevant documents for corporations and third sector companies as well as performance in bankruptcy and judicial and extrajudicial recovery proceedings.

Real Estate law

Provision of consultancy and assistance in the drafting of commercial, residential lease agreements, lease agreements as well as performance in possessory actions, adverse possession, demarcation actions, claims, eviction, etc.

This area of ​​activity also includes operations with residents' associations, condominiums and other civil societies in the preparation of internal regulations, condominium conventions, meeting minutes and related documents.

Private International Law

Legal advice in international negotiations, preparation of opinions and other documents related to international contracts, adaptation of companies on national soil and performance in administrative and judicial actions for customs clearance and clearance of goods and, also, monitoring of demands in mediation and arbitration chambers.

Economic Criminal Law

Performance in lawsuits dealing with crimes related to public administration, money laundering, tax evasion and other crimes known as “white collar crimes”.

Tax Law

Tax planning and drafting of opinions, preparation of defenses in administrative infraction notices, filing of annulment actions and other defenses in tax foreclosures as well as recovery of tax credit (municipal, state and federal).


Fernando José Mesquita

Lawyer enrolled at OAB / PR under nº 12.816 with main practice in the areas of Business Law, Private International, Administrative and Tax Law, graduated from the State University of Paraná (UEL), Post-graduated from the School of the Public Ministry of Paraná, Post-graduated from PUC-PR in Business Law, he was already chairman of the OAB / PR-Londrina Prerogatives Commission, from 2000 to 2003, was a member of the state's Third Sector Commission and currently a member of the OAB / PR-Londrina Mediation and Arbitration Commission.

Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Marcus Vinicius de Freitas Zômpero

Lawyer enrolled at OAB / PR under nº 74.709 with main practice in the areas of Civil Law, Compliance, Data Protection and Tax Law, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR), Post-graduated from the State Magistracy School from Paraná, has an MBA in tax planning from UNOPAR, act as lay judge working in the 5th Special Civil Court of Londrina. Member of commissions and studies of OAB / PR with main activity in the area of ​​consumer law.

Languages: Portuguese and English.

Pedro Henrique Borges Bianchi

Lawyer enrolled at OAB/PR under nº 103.927 with main practice in the area of Criminal Law, graduated from the UNIFIL, post-graduated from the Dmásio College in tax law.

Languages: Portuguese and English.



[email protected]


(43) 3334-4914

+55 43 98447-5876


Rua Piauí, nº 399, rooms 1103/1105, Ed. São Paulo Towers Office, Londrina/PR

Address of partner offices:

Av. Cândido de Abreu, nº 526, 10º Andar, Torre A, Curitiba/PR

Setor Mansões Dom Bosco, Conj. 6, casa 6, Lago Sul, Brasília/DF

Rua da Restauração, nº 463, 3º andar, Porto, Portugal